Aerial view of solar panels as covered parking

Partnership models


PV Foundry processes solar cells or test structures or conducts characterization for the stakeholder using baseline processing and characterization methods at the rate of $417 per lot of 12 wafers per process or characterization step. 

Lab access

Stakeholder’s employees can get access to the lab and equipment available at the PV Foundry at the rate of $300 per day per person with $3,300 monthly capping ($36,600 annually).

Sponsored research

The stakeholder can start a sponsored research project at the PV Foundry with the scope of work defined in the membership agreement. The scope of work would normally include the development of the new processes and materials. PV Foundry will provide a quote based on the required scope and will allocate/hire personnel to work on the project to the best effort. Sponsored research implies longer term relations between the stakeholder and the PV Foundry and overhead in 15%-50% range defined by the shares in the newly generated IP between the stakeholder and the PV Foundry.

In-kind research

PV Foundry conducts research in collaboration with academic, small business and national labs stakeholders targeting joint publications and collaborative grant proposals.


ASU: Dr. André Augusto, [email protected]

Georgia Tech: Dr. Ajay Upadhyaya, [email protected]